Wednesday, November 18, 2015

HMS Shocking Day

                                               Heritage Middle School Shocking Day 

It was in May when Heritage Middle School had their terrifying moment since years. It was a normal school day, kids were learning and teachers were teaching. Until, the principal announces that the whole school is having a hard lockdown. Everyone rushed to their place laughing and the teachers locked the doors, no one knew what was happening or if it was real but, mostly all the kids thought it was a fake hard lockdown. The students got to their position calmly until one teacher told their class that this was real, that a kid had brought a gun to school ! Then, everyone knew somehow. 
Students started to panic! Some students called their parents to let them know what was happening and that they needed to get picked up when the drill was over. Parents received emails too about the situation. It took about and hour for the drill to be over! When it was, all students were dismissed from school. 
When students and staff members got out of school, there was police cars, helicopters flying around, news reporters, and parents. It was so loud because parents were yelling their children's  name.  "It's so packed!" a kid said. Students and parents were happy to see each other and staff members were glad that the students were safe and they were too. The next day, the students found that the drill was a false alarm. When students found out that it was a false alarm, they were so annoyed but relief that nothing happened also. The kid who brought the gun was expelled, no shooting happened.

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