Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A World Away & Positive

In the book "A World Away", there's a girl who's Amish and left to another different town. She was different from the others physically but not emotionally. Eliza never went to parties, dances, drinked, etc. so when she moved there with a stranger, she was judged and looked different. She had her first boyfriend there, so everything they were going through was her first. Her "friends" made joked about her and blamed her for things that weren't her fault. She was mocked also. In the book "Positive", Paige is bullied for being HIV positive, she gets teased like Eliza did and mocked also. Paige finds a guy that she likes. The guy knows she's HIV positive but he doesn't care since he likes he for who she is from the inside and outside. The only difference about these two books is that Eliza goes back to her small town because she knows that she doesn't belong there with her boyfriend and Paige ignores all the mean comments, mocking, etc, she becomes famous by doing interviews and becomes a model. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that I have been so inactive but, HEY omg I can believe that were going to meet my teacher told us that your schools going to be coming to ours.Cant wait!!!
